The Number of the Beast: 06.06.48

Today is the 65th birthday of my Father: Raymond William Thomas – a.k.a. – Daddy Ray – a.k.a. The Bank of Ray – a.k.a. – The Special One.  He’s not actually in town, he’s off on an unusually long stag weekend (not his, I hasten to add) that, from memory, involves booze and golf, probably in that order.  I’m not sure that this is, in itself, a good idea.  He is, after all, the only man I know who has nearly died in two separate golf buggy-related accidents (in chronological order: nearly driving a buggy off a cliff in fog and getting dragged across a golfing green after his shoe laces got caught in the axle).  He is not, as you may already have gathered, a man to be safely left to his own devices.

He was also terribly spoiled child; the only off-spring of the eldest sister of a large Swindon family.  As a boy he didn’t know that fried eggs had whites or that bacon had rind because his mother, my grandmother, cut them off before serving them to him (and he got bacon and eggs in post-war Britain as well.  One of the family was a grocer.  It’s not what you know, etc…)  This practice of expecting his rinds and egg white to be removed for him lasted much, much less than a week into his marriage to my mother.

He’s also a terrible exaggerator and teller of tall tales.  He’s famous for it.  Baron Munchhausen doesn’t have a patch on him.  What started out as an amusing and (mostly) true incident is stretched into a tragic-comic saga.   As time passes each story grows and stretches to the point where the original truth is almost watered down to Homeopathic levels.  It’s not without reason that one of my Mum’s catchphrases is:

“RAY!!!  You are SUCH a liar!!!”

The best thing is that he never has any idea that he isn’t recounting anything other that the pure, unadorned truth.

As you can tell, he’s nothing like me at all…

So, yes, he’s a self-indulgent and accident prone dissembler.  Oh and childish.  Oh and a trouble-maker.  Oh and a right two-pot screamer as well, as it comes to it.

But he’s also deeply and instinctively generous.  He’s the first to reach into his pocket and the first to offer his time to anyone.  He’s the life and soul of every gathering, mischievously bellowing: “Yaaaaaaaay!” at the top of his voice at a party if he feels that there’s a silence that needs filling.  And for a man who has achieved huge success in his field, after leaving school without a grade to his name, he’s startlingly humble and never feels that he’s done enough.  He adores my mother (ignoring the occasional cat fight) and he is, by any measure, a good man; not least because you’d never be able to convince him off the fact.

So that’s him, 65-not out.  He’s my silly old Dad and I love him to pieces.

Don’t tell him that though for fuck’s sake, he’ll only think I’m after money.

Drive-By Shootings & Aquatic Amputees

I have returned and I bring wisdom.

I made an interesting discovery yesterday: I was reaching to fetch something out of my coat pocket and I found a copper bullet shell.  A .22 shell to be precise.  It must have landed in there during my fun and games at the firing range in the States (either that or I’ve been committing drive-by shootings in my sleep.  If I have then it’s some comfort to know that I’ve been taking my coat with me.  I wouldn’t want to catch cold while out shooting innocents from the window of the stolen car that I’m sleep-driving.)

Anyway, it did occur that it must’ve been in my pocket when I went through Newark airport on the way home from the States.  I didn’t wear it through customs; we returned, instead, with the coat in my suitcase, the bullet neatly hidden in its folds.  The perfect crime.  Just as well, they were being seriously bloody-minded that day towards even the most innocent of travellers.  If they’d found out I was packing ammo, then I think my future might have featured a cold room, nudity, discomfort and a latex glove.  That would’ve brought a whole new meaning to “Squeaky Bum Time.”

Other news: This evening I went swimming for the first time in three weeks.  This after three weeks in the States making a very creditable attempt to try and turn myself into Mr Creosote.  I knew it wasn’t going  to go well and I was blowing up after six lengths.  I desperately windmilling limbs became like lead.  I wanted to give up and drown.  Only one thing kept me battling on:

The One Legged Man.

There’s a one-legged bloke who regularly swims at the pool.  A nice enough bloke (if racist) and a very creditably fast swimming for a unipod, but I always manage to lap him at least once.  Not in a sarcastic way – I wouldn’t, not after the Paralypics – but I am faster than him.  I have in-built advantages that he doesn’t.  That’s how it is.

But not today.  Today I was huffing and puffing and he was gaining on me, surging neatly through the water as I toiled.  In the last three lengths he was nibbling at my wake, but I managed to force myself on.  He would not have victory over me today.  As it says in the Bible: in the swimming pool of the unipod, the two-footed man is king.   I reached the lip of the pool ahead of me.  I sank, steaming into the chlorine water.  He swam on.  And maybe it was my imagination, but I think he slowed as I neared the end.

But no matter!  Despite being weakened by American food, I still managed to beat the one-legged man.  Victory was mine.  And yet I must be vigilant.  There will be other days when the one-legged swimming racist might not be so merciful.  I must be ready for him to strike…

First Flog

And so, here we are.  I’ve followed through (not for the first time) on my threat and The Flog is born.  First things first: I hate to break this to you, but this isn’t likely to be as amusing as the American updates (oh and I might add those on here when I get the chance, just so you can remember me as I was).

Here is why this will be terrible:  A drunken idiot with a number of mild, yet debilitating, personality disorders on holiday in America is always likely to be amusing.  There any number of pitfalls for the poor bumbling twat to fall into.   A drunken idiot with a number of mild, yet debilitating, personality disorders working 9-to-5 in Swindon has less comic potential.  There are any number of drunken idiots with etc. in Swindon.  Most of them follow me on Facebook.  Hello all.

So, yes, prepare yourself for a massive disappointment with this worthless interweb journal of my disappointments and mindless toil.  You’ve only got yourself to blame.

But anyways…  Here was today: I went to work.

See?  Shit already.  And I was a bit groggy.  I’ve got the beginnings of hay fever (setting my sinuses gently a-throbbing), I’m still more than a bit jet-lagged (thank you America and Tristan) and the air conditioning wasn’t working in the office.  Another problem was that in the three weeks I’ve been away I seem to have forgotten how to do about 90% of the job.  All these things together gave me an air of distant, yet sorrowful, grumpiness, which was hard to mask while all of the nice people in the office were coming over to congratulate me on getting the job.  I got to five o’clock without accidentally setting fire to the office, which, in the circumstances, felt like something of an achievement.

Apart from that, I think it’s going quite well, so far.

Anyway, I’m going to have to keep this brief as I’ve promised to help a friend with a small, unofficial writing project and I should’ve started on it it ages ago.  Wish me luck…